November 2023
Annual Progress Report 2022-2023
This is the Annual Progress Report of the International Responsible Business Conduct Agreement for the Metals Sector 2022-2023, published in November 2023.
Parties to the Metals Agreement, Tineke Lambooy (Chairperson), Suzan van Stek (SER), Anouk van Esch (SER), Martijn Huijnen (SER) Iris Rietveld (SER).
Cover: Adobe Stock/DedMityay, Foreword: Tata Steel, Looking back: Shutterstock/pisaphotography, Due Diligence: Adobe Stock/evgenii_v, Collaboration Between Parties on Due Diligence Processes: Nyrstar/Jasper van Zon, Collective Projects: CNV Internationaal, Recycling: Adobe Stock/Savo Ilic, Roundtable on Responsible Recycling of Metals: A&M Recycling/John de Pater, Outreach & Lessons Learned: Adobe Stock/Mulderphoto, Due Diligence Roadshow & OECD Forum Partner Session: SER/Anouk van Esch, Looking Ahead: CNV Internationaal, Background: Shutterstock/Comaniciu Dan, Colophon: SER/Manuella Appiah.
Graphic design
SER, Communications
Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER)
Bezuidenhoutseweg 60
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NL-2509 LK The Hague
The Netherlands
+31 (0)70 3499 499