November 2020
Annual Progress Report Metals 2019/2020
Looking forward
The parties will continue to support the companies with activities relating to the implementation of due diligence such as completing the ‘Maturity Assessment Tool’ again, updating the ‘Maturity Improvement Plan’, performing risk assessments, and other challenges the companies may encounter. Collectively, the parties will identify industry hot spots, select collective risks in the supply chain for further action, and design a collective due diligence action plan. Trade Unions and NGOs will work together with companies to review their risk assessments (‘heat map’), and based on information and knowledge gathered, assist them develop a ‘due diligence action plan’.
Next to further implementing due diligence, increasing the number of participants will be the main focus for year 2. The goal remains to increase the number of companies joining the Metals Agreement to twenty by the end of year 2. It is expected that three companies, who have so far shown interest in the Metals Agreement, will become parties soon; this will bring the number of participating companies to ten. Increasing the number of company signatories of the Metals Agreement, is crucial for enhancing the joint leverage, and for guaranteeing the financial security of the Agreement in the future.
The following internal and external events are planned for year 2:
- An information session for signatory companies about the ‘heat map tool’ in fall 2020.
- A webinar for the supporting organisations on the due diligence tools and templates developed for the Metals Agreement in September 2020.
- An external webinar for recycling companies on the scrap metal supply chains in winter 2020.
- A workshop at the World Resources Forum annual conference in Ghana 2021.
- Two due diligence sessions for signatory companies.
Furthermore, it is planned to identify two collective risks in the supply chains and develop specific projects to address these. Also, cooperation with the European Partnership for Responsible Minerals will be reinforced. And a taskforce will be established to look into what is needed to become a recognised ‘OECD aligned standard’ in line with London Metal Exchange Responsible Sourcing Requirements.
Sekhar Lahiri, Director, VNMI
“VNMI, the Association of the Dutch Metallurgical Industry, provides a platform for debate for its members on various topics. International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC) is one of them. VNMI initiated the negotiations for this Metals Agreement a couple of years ago as VNMI recognises the added value of this Metals Agreement. For example, we see IRBC legislation being prepared on EU and national level. Also, there is ample scope for individual metallurgical companies, NGO’s and trade unions to work together on IRBC. Looking back, VNMI is glad to see several individual companies joining the Metals Agreement and working on due diligence in their own supply chains. Looking forward, VNMI would like to see companies embedding Corporate Social Responsibility in their business strategy and the cooperation with NGO’s and trade unions strengthened.”