November 2020
Annual Progress Report Metals 2019/2020
This is the Annual Progress Report of the International Responsible Business Conduct Agreement for the Metals Sector 2019/2020, published in November 2020.
The Metals Agreement came into effect on 1 July 2019. It was signed by a total of sixteen parties – seven companies, two ministries, two industry associations, five civil society organisations – and five supporting organisations.
Parties of the Metals Agreement, Maurits Derksen (Chairperson), Manuella Appiah (SER), Olga van Leeuwen (SER), Amaka Paddy-Okafor (SER), Maarten Uri (SER)
Photography ©
Tata Steel B.V., Unicef, Krommenhoek Metals B.V., Manuella Appiah
Graphic design
SER, Communications, Graphic design
Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER)
Bezuidenhoutseweg 60
P.O. Box 90405
NL-2509 LK The Hague
The Netherlands
+31 (0)70 3499 499