November 2023

Annual Progress Report 2022-2023

Lessons Learned and Challenges

The Due Diligence Roadshows proved to be an effective tool for establishing connections with businesses and gaining insight into their needs. In the ever-evolving landscape of sustainability, especially with the pressing issues of the energy transition and circularity, companies are grappling with numerous challenges. It's essential to bridge the gap between IRBC and these critical topics.

Furthermore, promoting collaboration among industry competitors remains an ongoing challenge. Finding common ground and forming alliances for robust investigations and due diligence can be challenging. At the same time, these are crucial to increase transparency in value chains and to work together in addressing IRBC risks upstream and downstream in the value chain. In-person meetings play a pivotal role in building trust, kickstarting initiatives, expanding the network and raising awareness. The next year should enable parties to build upon their first exchange and bring due diligence to the next level. It is a firm believe that collective action is crucial in effecting positive change, and it is encouraged to all fellow metals companies to join in this endeavour.